Common Application Database Connection Strings

Project: Php/MySQL Connection strings on GoDaddy Servers

Description: A short list of where the connection strings are on GoDaddy servers at the time of this writing. (January 2011)
Project Goals: To keep a list that I can get to from anywhere, without needing my laptop, notebook, or phone. All I need to perform any of these tasks is a machine and an internet connection. This list was actually created by GoDaddy technicians… not me, so it should be accurate.
What are the connection strings for my application's database?
What are the connection strings for my application's database?
The following list contains connection strings for many popular program databases. If your program is not listed, contact the program's manufacturer.

NOTE:You will have to obtain these files referenced below by FTPing into your hosting account and into the application's directories. For more information on this, see your application's manufacturer's Web site.
Edit the wp-config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('DB_HOST', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the configuration.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
var $host = 'youroldhostname';
Simple Machine Forum
Edit the Settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$db_server = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the web.config file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
Edit the sites/default/settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$db_url = 'mysqli://DBUser:DBPassword@youroldhostname/DBName';
Zen Cart
Edit the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('DB_SERVER', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$storeConfig['hostname'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the include/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$CONFIG['dbserver'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('DB_SERVER', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$dbhost = 'youroldhostname';
Vanilla Forum
Edit the conf/database.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$Configuration['DATABASE_HOST'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the includes/config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$dbServer = "youroldhostname";
Noah's Classifieds
Edit the app/config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
Edit the var/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
Edit the web.config file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
<add name="BlogEngine" connectionString="Data Source=youroldhostname;User ID=DBUser;Password=DBPassword;persist security info=False;initial catalog=DBName;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
Edit the db-config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$_DB_host = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$config['db_host'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('REF_DB_HOST', "youroldhostname");
Edit the file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$serendipity['dbHost'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config_inc.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$g_hostname = "youroldhostname";
Edit the LocalSettings.php and config/LocalSettings.php files. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server. $wgDBserver = "youroldhostname";
Edit the includes/settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
db_host: youroldhostname
Edit the globals.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$db_host = "youroldhostname";
Edit the configuration.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$mosConfig_host = 'youroldhostname';
Community Server
Edit the connectionStrings.config file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="server=youroldservername;uid=DBUser;pwd='DBPassword';database=DBName"/>
Edit the includes/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$database_server = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$CFG->dbhost = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$MYSQL_HOST = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$pnconfig['dbhost'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the tutorial/_config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
"server" => "youroldhostname",
Edit the mainfile.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define( 'XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'youroldhostname' );
Pinnacle Cart
Edit the content/engine/engine_config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('DB_HOST', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the configuration/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$bidwareTsohbD = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the engine/settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$CONFIG->dbhost = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$db_host = "youroldhostname";
Edit the yafnet.config file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
<connstr>user id=DBUser;pwd=DBPassword;data source=youroldhostname;initial catalog=DBName;timeout=90</connstr>
Edit the framework/configuration/databaseConfiguration.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$host = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the includes/config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$dPconfig['dbhost'] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the include/local.config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
'host'=>'youroldhostname', //OpenDb database host
Edit the lib/confs/Conf.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$this->dbhost = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the includes/settings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('MYSERVER', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('PHPR_DB_HOST', 'youroldhostname');
Aardvark Topsites
Edit the settings_sql.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$CONF['sql_host'] = 'youroldhostname';
Advanced Guestbook
Edit the admin/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$GB_DB["host"] = "youroldhostname";
Advanced Poll
Edit the db/include/ file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$POLLDB["host"] = "youroldhostname";
Edit the include/config.ini.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$config['db_server'] = "youroldservername";
Edit the inc/data.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$DB["server"] = 'youroldhostname';
Edit the config/config.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
'db_host' => 'youroldhostname',
Edit the file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
define('DATABASE_HOST', 'youroldhostname');
Edit the LocalSettings.php file. You will need to update the following line with the name of the new database server.
$wgDBserver = "'youroldhostname'";
Author Contact: Stan Bush Contact Phone: (478) 227-8260 or (478) 227-4SEO
Contact Email :
Contact Twitter : stanbush Contact Facebook :
Company Name : Sales Training And Networking Company Twitter: StanInc


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