
Showing posts from July, 2012

Men Can't Measure

Men can't measure. Men can't tell time. Men can't follow directions. But we can cook better than most women give us credit for. All we have to do is cook by tastes. If it taste good.... eat it. If it doesn't taste good...spit it out, give it to dog, or feed it to a teenaged boy. Do the math. We're men. We can do this.

What Makes Content Interesting

     It's obvious. Everybody loves interesting content and nobody likes boring content.  The difference between the two is not quite so obvious.  To understand it, you must consider more than the words.  You have to consider the people involved.  You've heard it takes two to tango?  That's just as true when it comes to engaging content.   I'll use video content to explain.      My wife loves Murder She Wrote and America's Funniest Videos.  She doesn't like any of the 'Freddie" or "Halloween" series.  Nor will she watch a movie when somebody curses repeatedly.  Throw some blood on the screen and she heads to bed.  Even if it's bad guy blood.

Chris Brogan's Blog Masters Topic Class Feeds

These are the RSS Feeds Chris Brogan's Blog Topics Master Class.  The list is dynamic and will be automatigically updated on all new posts, and whenever new classmates are added.  you may subscribe by simply clicking on the "Subscribe" button on the bottom left of the subscription panel.

All Writers Face This Challenge

     Writing interesting blog content is work. Regardless of past successes, each blog post starts the same. A blank page waiting to be turned into something useful. There is no evidence of the content it will contain. Will it be an exercise of love, passion and creativity?  Or will it be reduced to a technical representation of a process? At the beginning, you simply can't tell.  There's nothing there. It's the same for everyone. All pages are created equal.  At least in the beginning.

Fixing Broken Promises

     I have invested a lot in OneNote.  I  sync it clumsily with an Amazon Cloud Bucket to all my devices.  I use Mozilla's S3 Organizer extension to do that mostly.  I use Mobile Noter to sync my Iphone with the important Notebooks.      I'm still using 2007 and won't upgrade to 2010.  Microsoft's SkyDrive limits file size to 50MB including OneNote.  My file size is approaching 2GB.  Moving everything to a different app will very soon be a requirement.        I'm experimenting with Google apps a lot now hoping it's the solution.  I have tried a lot of applictions thus far.  A short list is Evernote,  Awesome Note,  MobleNoter, Wunderlist, Nozbe, and Momento.  All are purchased, fully licensed versions.

Loosen Your Schedule

I was watching Brian Regan on Comedy Central when it happened.  Like always he said something that was hilarious, but only because of it's profundity . I used that word for YOU Brian :-)!  What he said was "Listen, if you need to zap fry your Pop-Tarts before you head out the door, you might wanna loosen up your schedule."      What I got out of that was a way to be able to communicate with my clients, without expecting them to spend all day trying to figure out what I wrote, and me spending the better part of a week to write it.       So I took out a timer and wrote a report. Right then and there.  I wrote for five minutes, and then I quit.  I then started a stopwatch and timed how long it took me to read the report. At the speed I type, it takes about one minute to read.  So... I decided to create reports to them based off "Five Minutes to Write - One Minute To Read".   It was very easy to explain to them that if they di...

Most Social Experts - Aren't!

     I was responding to a post earlier today, in a different channel when I wrote an expression that sort of surprised me.  "Most Social Experts - Aren't!"  I know it's a very simple statement, but those are in fact the best kind for me.  Most of the time if I get into a discussion about things like this, it turns argumentative because sometimes I don't know how to address these types of issues.  In the effort to K.I.S.S this.. I'll break it into my normal 5 points so I can give you "The Fifty One" on it. Just because you can send out 200 tweets a day means nothing.  Most people are used to your noise and aren't reading it anyway.  Just because you are at the top of Google Organic search when someone searches for 'Social Experts in BuckTooth Iowa that drive Plymouths' means less than you can imagine.  Besides, that's more of an SEO thing.  When is the last time that you engaged someone you didn't know through ANY Social Media Cha...

Google Shortcuts You'll Use

     Google Search is very powerful. Using it correctly can help you find just about anything.  Right now I happen to be taking a Google class concerning advanced searching. I've been really surprised by how simple some of the tasks that we do every day could be done so much easier.  I think it's because we want to add some level of sophistication and expertise to or searches.... when really we should stick with the K.I.S.S. Methong ( Keep It Simple Stupid). Some of the really easy to remember, but effective searches are below.  Try them and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Weather: Your Zip Code ... get a condensed 3 day forcast.  Sunrise: Your Zip Code or City .. find out when the sun will rise tomorrow.  Movie:Name of Movie   ..... Wallace and Gromii 6:15 Capitol Theatre Stocks : get a quote ..........stocks:APL  define:word   .... get a definition of the word Try them out.  I think you'll find them handy.  If yo...

My Experience

In Chronological Order, I offer this as a list of my experience. Be warned : I've covered alot of territory, and have been considered successful at all of them.