Chris Brogan's Blog Masters Topic Class Feeds
These are the RSS Feeds Chris Brogan's Blog Topics Master Class. The list is dynamic and will be automatigically updated on all new posts, and whenever new classmates are added. you may subscribe by simply clicking on the "Subscribe" button on the bottom left of the subscription panel.
Stan Bush (Me) is a fixer of things that are broken. My passions are unsolvable riddles, zombie extermination, fact checking, and ear enlargement. I provide cat herding services, as well as lion taming. I have wrangled chickens and called turkeys. Tall buildings, speeding bullets, and powerful locomotives are no big deal. . Find Sales Training And Networking on Google +Find us on Google+
Stan Bush (Me) is a fixer of things that are broken. My passions are unsolvable riddles, zombie extermination, fact checking, and ear enlargement. I provide cat herding services, as well as lion taming. I have wrangled chickens and called turkeys. Tall buildings, speeding bullets, and powerful locomotives are no big deal. . Find Sales Training And Networking on Google +Find us on Google+