Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana

If you came here looking for the Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana recipe... it's at the bottom. If you came here because you want to know how to make some potato soup like a man... read on. Like most people, I had some potatos that were probably going to go bad in the next week or two. Since we are in the middle of what some people call an 'economic rccovery', my family can't really afford to let that happen. While Obama and his cronies (like Jim Marshall - Georgia Democrat) tell us to tighten OUR belt, the truth is they are giving themselves raises... so WE have to learn how to save money where ever we can. Making potato soup is just one of the ways we can save. If you want the olive Garden thing... then go to the bottom of this page... and have at it. But here's the way I made mine. What you need; Some Potatos Some Butter Some Onions Some Water Some bacon Some spices (garlic is good) Some Italian Sausage Some chicken boullion Celery and Mushrooms are good too Either Dry...