
Showing posts from November, 2012

Friday Hangout Fun

Ok.. this is actually pretty fun.  Roll over the images and you'll see some links.  If you're isn't here yet, I just haven't gotten to it!   If you need an invite to the Hangouts...then use the contact form or G+ me..the link is in the bottom of this message!  Stan Bush  (Me) is a fixer of things that are broken. My passions are unsolvable riddles, zombie extermination, fact checking, and ear enlargement. I provide cat herding services, as well as lion taming. I have wrangled chickens and called turkeys. Tall buildings, speeding bullets, and powerful locomotives are no big deal. .  Find Sales Training And Networking on Google + Find us on Google+

Playing with ThingLink and Dr. John!

If you're here, I need to tell you that I'm just experimenting with a few things.  This is after all my playground and I get to decide what toys I bring.  You will probably like this one though.  This is " ThingLink ".  I was considering using it for some G+ activities, but it seems it doesn't do what I would like there. I 'think it might work on Facebook, but no matter how I try, I'm pretty sure I'll run out of songs from "Cats". Still cool... still neat.  Plus...this is a good song.  Stan Bush  (Me) is a fixer of things that are broken. My passions are unsolvable riddles, zombie extermination, fact checking, and ear enlargement. I provide cat herding services, as well as lion taming. I have wrangled chickens and called turkeys. Tall buildings, speeding bullets, and powerful locomotives are no big deal. .  Find Sales Training And Networking on Google + Find us on Google+

You Can Get Things Done in Ten Minutes

Have you ever wondered what you could do to get more done in a day? Or are you happy with the amount you get done, you'd just like to get it done quicker? Whatever your goal is, the Ten Minute Day can help you. If you're wondering what the Ten Minute Day is and why you haven't heard of it, it's because I haven't written it yet. But get ready, because it's coming. And it's going to help you get more stuff done than you thought you could.

My 10 Minute Work Day - Workbook

Yeah. That's a Christmas tree made out of flowers and stuff to the left.  I hope you'll stay all the way to the end of this post to learn the significance of the image. You might think "Hey, I'd like to be able to do that!"  If that's how you feel after you read this, then contact me . All Things Google      If you've made a conscious effort to integrate as many things 'Google" into your work space as possible, you might want to read this. Dropping 'non-Google' items that you simply don't need, isn't exactly easy...but it is 'approachable." This doesn't mean that you should plan on dropping ALL your online applications, but it does make it easier to decide where you're going to START. Remember... there are two points in any journey.. the starting point, and the destination. Once you decide your path, the distance may be closer than you think. Today was a good day because of my decision.  I'm working...

Video Not Available In Your Country Fix

So you just made friends with somebody cool like Paul Bond  . Even though he works for Brix , which is "only" the  4th largest workwear store in Monaghan , he's still got great taste in 'artsy fartsy' stuff. Unfortunately, he's not that bright   aware, when he sends out links sometimes.  Consequently, he sends out links to really cool stuff that YouTube says  'aren't available in your country'. Well, that's simply not true. It is available, and I have no idea why they even want to make you think it isn't. Connectivity is what all this stuff is about.  Or at least that's what I thought when I signed on almost 30 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's not the band that doesn't want you to hear their music, unless of course they are Lars Ulrich .  So what do you do? How to get around this? Read on...

Contrast Without Contradiction

Correcting Contrasts If you're reading this blog entry, it's probably because you are either in the Blog Master's Topic Class on Facebook, or you found it by searching for information about Chris Brogan's and Julien Smith's Book The Impact Equation. If that statement makes you decide against reading this post, thanks for stopping by anyway. Just by visiting you have raised my credibility. How? Glad you asked! Radio stations use Arbitron and TV Stations use the Nielsen's to determine their popularity, and determine their rates. The more popular the show, the higher the advertising rate. That's why Super Bowl ads cost so much. Print media used to call it 'readership', but because of the Internet's impact, they have reduced that to 'circulation'.
Stan Bush is President of Sales Training And Networking. S.T.A.N. provides support, guidance, and implementation for small to mid-size businesses interested in marketing their current, as well as future customers.  We have provided services to many companies, including Governmental and Educational facilities as well as individuals. Our clients come to us from referrals and those that find us online. Find Sales Training And Networking on Google + Find us on Google+
Stan Bush is President of Sales Training And Networking, a small IT company in Middle Georgia. I provide support, guidance, and implementation for small to mid-size businesses. I have provided services to many of the largest companies in Middle Georgia, including Governmental and Educational facilities as well as individuals. My clients come to me from referrals and those that find me online.

Finding A Filing System That Works For You

Clean The Desk Already My desk needs work. It's better today than it was yesterday though, and will be better after this fastblogging exercise. It's not that I don't have a system for keeping up with 'stuff'. I have plenty of those. Here's an abbreviated list starting from the left side of my desk. 43 Folders A 1-31 and Monthly File Folder box. Not the 3.5 or 4.6 index card type, but the 8.5 x 11 full size clear plexiglass box. You're supposed to rotate the cards and content daily. By moving the card representing today's date to the back of the box, all your stuff stays current. Apparently everyday is June 12th.


Foursquare is a free app that helps you and your friends make the most of where you are. When you're out and about, use Foursquare to share and save the places you visit. And, when you're looking for inspiration for what to do next, we'll give you personalized recommendations and deals based on where you, your friends, and people with your tastes have been. Whether you're setting off on a trip around the world, coordinating a night out with friends, or trying to pick out the best dish at your local restaurant, Foursquare is the perfect companion.