Contrast Without Contradiction

What is contrast?
Correcting Contrasts
If you're reading this blog entry, it's probably because you are either in the Blog Master's Topic Class on Facebook, or you found it by searching for information about Chris Brogan's and Julien Smith's Book The Impact Equation.
If that statement makes you decide against reading this post, thanks for stopping by anyway. Just by visiting you have raised my credibility. How? Glad you asked! Radio stations use Arbitron and TV Stations use the Nielsen's to determine their popularity, and determine their rates. The more popular the show, the higher the advertising rate. That's why Super Bowl ads cost so much. Print media used to call it 'readership', but because of the Internet's impact, they have reduced that to 'circulation'.
 The internet has its own ratings system, based on 'viewers' or "visitors". Everyone counts and every little bit helps. I appreciate your visit and hope you decide to stop by again sometime.
If on the other hand you decide to continue, it doesn't really matter if you're not in the class or haven't read the book.  My job as an author is to write this in a way that makes sense to you, no matter how you arrived here. How? Again, using TV and Radio as benchmarks, is it necessary to listen and watch 24 hours a day? No. But much like an 'episode' it is necessary to run a few 'scenes from previous episodes" to bring new viewers, or readers like you, up to date.  That's the purpose of everything you've read here so far.  Moving forward, here's what you need to know.

  • The Impact Equation is about how to how to get your important ideas distilled, spread across a platform that you’ve built, and cared for and understood by other people.
  • The Equation uses the acronym CREATE to represent: Contrast, Reach, Exposure, Articulation, Trust, and Echo. 
  • There is a group that has regular Google Hangouts discussing how to improve our businesses using the principles in the book, and our own rich level of knowledge and experience. 
  • You should contact us and participate. You could join us here! 

What's The Question?    

Our most recent hangout was concerning "Contrast." After the hangout, the following was asked to the group, sparking a very lively discussion. The thread was very long, and I didn't want to add to the length of the post. Here is the question posed to the group:

Is contrast:
Posts to written to more than one audience, or...
Posts written to one audience but in a voice different than others (competitors) writing to the same audience, or...
Posts written to one audience with contrasting topics such as business and vs. personal, or...
Am I totally missing the point?

The Responses

The responses to this question took up the whole page. As one reader stated, it was impossible to fathom it via a mobile device. The ideas, answers and responses were flowing fast and deep.  I went through the thread and gleaned important concepts and wanted to share them with you, in Readers’ Digest form.

How Can I Write Something with Contrast? 

The particular profession of the person with the post is a real estate agent, so I will address most of this post to that profession.
I have spent a minimum of 10 hours a day, for 18 years, online. 10 hours x 365 days x 18 years. That's a total of 65,700 hours. I've seen a lot of things that real estate agents have tried.  I've seen plenty of tips, how to, price selling, and checklist. I've also seen all the reasons why 'you're the best real estate agent' for anybody on the planet.  Should you continue them??? Yes absolutely, as long as they are in the same format as you have been writing. It is interesting, and your AUDIENCE will appreciate them.

Here's What You Haven't Seen!

You've yet to see any real estate agent say 'Here's why you shouldn't move right now."  That's not to say that everyone shouldn't move.... it's just saying 'if you're in this situation, moving might not be the answer for you."
You've yet to see any real estate agent say "I may not be the agent for you".  Think about your AUDIENCE. Think about who you serve the best.  Isn't that really who you want to be working for?  Wouldn't you be better off referring them to someone 'more like them'?
That's REAL contrast if you THINK about it. I also think it would automatically add TRUST to your online identity..

Which Audience Are You Writing To?

In any transactional relationship there are two different audiences.  People who buy, People who sell. Which audience are you writing to? Each one requires its own 'venue.'  For example "" and "". You don't have to use the same 'media' for both.  You might use Twitter for your personal and a blog for your business.  That is why you have to construct your 'media station'.

Have You Designed Your Media Station?

If you haven't designed your station, you're not ready to broadcast.  That's one of the reasons I have not been as active of late.  I'm designing my station.  You should be too. That's what the hangouts are for.

What Do I Need To Know?

You need to start with the music. You need to know what format the music will be. Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical or New Age?  That will determine your 'Audience'.  Once you know your audience, you need to know what you can do to gain their 'TRUST". You will have to 'ARTICULATE" to them in a way that is familiar to them. You can't play SnoopDog on a "Classical' station or you will lose your listeners 'TRUST". Knowing your audience lets you research on their habits, so you'll know how often you need to broadcast.  How often you broadcast will determine how many watts you're going to need for "REACH".  Your reach will affect your 'EXPOSURE".

So, without knowing any of this... How do you know you're not already there?

This Is YOUR Media Station

There was a suggestion that the real estate agent begin broadcasting video. My suggestion is that you broadcast what you can broadcast. Do the thing that you can do, and that will bring you the results that you want.  Listen to your own internal station.  Do what it tells you to do. In Star Wars terms "Follow the Force."

On a Different Note:

I read a blog from another member of the group this morning.  Here is a snippet from the blog: "with new media still in its infancy."
Media will ALWAYS be in its infancy.  New media changes by the minute. Don't close your eyes to opportunities concerning ANY media.  Stay with what's FUN to you. That way it will never seem like work.

Stan Bush (Me) is a fixer of things that are broken. My passion is unsolvable riddles, zombie extermination, fact checking, and cultivating larger ears. I provide cat herding services, as well as lion taming. Tall buildings are no big deal.  Find Sales Training And Networking on Google +Find us on Google+


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