Surfin With Stan - Main Site

This site was created on July 19th as an experiment involving Google Apps, Blogger, Office Live, and Joomla. Here's what I know so far.

1. When I experimented with Google Apps before (several years ago)... nobody knew what I was talking about ... as far as clients go. They didn't know if they should or could login to share their apps online. I know now that I should have dropped the clients rather than the technology. If you don't want to progress...then stay behind.
2. When I experimented with Microsoft Office Live ... with an account that I PAID $39.95 a month for over 3 years... they eventually lost all my stuff. They did an upgrade...that my domain didn't make it thru...and all my email and files were lost.

That's it in a nutshell on the experiences.
The things that I want to be able to do with this site are:

* Use my real domain rather than the one
* Get dependable email services
* Share files, calendars and other information with friends, family and clients.
* Upload updates (such as blogs) easily
* Create categories for various projects
* Create an easily understood Project Manager that can be shared with others
Help other people create their own site


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