Facebook 101 - Apprentice Level

Project: Facebook 101 - Apprentice
Description: Basic Webinar on how to setup your Facebook Account:
Project Goals: Provide the basic background on how to use Facebook, so that other social network application will together.
Registration Link : https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/143472274
If you aren't on Facebook already, there's a good chance you've been living under a rock. The popularity of Facebook is easy to understand. You can keep in touch, find, friend, and partner with any and everybody that you can think of . Most likely someone has probably encouraged you to sign up, set up a profile, and start "social networking." This webinar is to help you do that. Please keep in mind that each of our Webinars build on the foundation of the other. If you are planning on setting up Fan Pages, Groups, managing events and linking all that in with Twitter, Plaxo, Blogging, and other applications you should attend. In this Webinar, we will cover :
  1. How to setup your Facebook Account.
  2. Notifications
  3. Setting up your Phone for Facebook
  4. Privacy Settings
  5. Application Settings
  6. Searching for Friends
  7. Searching For Groups/Fan pages
  8. Updating your Status
  9. Sending Personal Messages to other users

  10. Chatting Realtime with your friends on Facebook.

Although the first session is basic in it's approach and coverage of the Facebook application, it is an essential part of understanding how to use Facebook, rather than having Facebook terrorist use you. It is important to understand this before integrating Facebook with some of your other applications.

Some of the topics we will be covering in the future are:
  1. Adding Twitter to Facebook.
  2. Setting up a Group in Facebook
  3. Setting up a Fan Page in Facebook
  4. Setting up memorable addresses for profiles, groups and fan pages
  5. Setting up DNS for your Facebook account to be easily located.
  6. Creating Events in Facebook.
  7. What applications are safe in Facebook.
  8. Uploading Photos to Facebook.
  9. Adding YouTube Channels to your Facebook Account.

  10. Using Discussion list in Facebook

     If any of this information concerning Facebook interests you, please attend this basic webinar first. As always, we appreciate your attendance and look forward to serving you in the future.
 Registration Link : https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/143472274
Author Contact: Stan Bush Contact Phone: (478) 227-4736 or (478) 227-4SEO
Contact Email : stan@salestrainingandnetworking.com
Contact Twitter : stanbush Contact Facebook : http://profile.to/stanbush
Company Name : Sales Training And Networking
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