Error Number: 0x800C0133

Project: I have a client who can't retrieve email. The message they are getting is "An unknown error has occurred. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800C0133
Description: This is usually caused by a corrupted inbox. They get corrupted more than most people realize. It is easy to fix, IF you can still access it from within OE.. And IF you KNOW what you're doing. If you don't know..then contact us, and we can fix it remotely for about $50. If not… then follow the steps below
Project Goals: Get email account up and running again… by replacing the inbox and fixing the conditions causing the Error Number 0x800C0133 issue.
10 Steps/Points:

  1. Run Outlook Express
  2. Create a folder in Outlook Express - call it whatever you want.. It doesn't matter.
  3. Move all the email from your inbox into the folder you just created.
  4. Go to <Tools/Options/Maintenance/Storefolder> to find out where your inbox is located.
  5. Close OE and go to the folder you just found in Step 4
  6. Copy the Inbox.dbt file..and the inbox.bak file to another folder .. Just for safekeeping.
  7. After they have finished copying… rename the file inbox.dbx to inbox.old, and rename inbox.bak to inbox.bak.old
  8. Close Windows Explorer
  9. Run Outlook express and check your mail.

  10. Everything should work find now.

Basically your inbox got corrupted, and you needed a new one. When you changed the filename, Outlook Express figured you wanted another one, and it created it automatically for you.
Other Notes: Although it isn't our core business…we do offer remote assistance on issues such as these. Just contact us to see if we can help!
Author Contact: Stan Bush Contact Phone: (478) 227-4736 or (478) 227-4SEO
Contact Email :
Contact Twitter : stanbush Contact Facebook :
Company Name : Sales Training And Networking Company Twitter: StanInc



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