Sun Tea - Men Can't Boil Water

Sun Tea Recipe


  • Some Tea Bags - 4-6 usually, depending on how big they are
  • Some Water - enough to fill your jug to the top (but leave room for the tea bags and sugar)
  • Some Sun - as much as you can find
  • Some sugar - lots of it
  • Some thirsty people - or just yourself

My Manly Method

     I hate measuring stuff. That's probably why I've never been able to stick to a diet for more than a few meals.  If you're waitin' on me to measure a portion... you're wasting your time.  It's just simply not going to happen. Even if I do measure out a portion, there's still that 'back for seconds' thing to contend with.  In general, if it's good... I'm going to go get some more. How much more depends on how 'good' it is. If it's real good, I get lots more.  If it's medium to 'kinda' good... I get 'some more".  If it's not any good, then there's going to be plenty of leftover for the dogs, cats, and chilluns to eat. 
     That's why I do my best work with recipes like this.  They are real simple.  So simple in fact, that even a caveman can do it.  I've never actually seen it, but I've heard that sun tea has been successfully brewed by actors, investment bankers, and high ranking government officials.  I'd like a picture of that if anybody's got one. Not the tea part... but if them actually working.
     Just a word to the wise though.  If you're going to invite any of them to a Tea Party right now, don't expect them to show up. 
     So here's my step by step recipe for making great sun tea.
  • Get a gallon jar.  
  • Put some water in it.
  • Put some tea bags in it and put the lid on.
  • Set it in the sun somewhere so that ants can't crawl in it, and birds won't poop on it. 
  • About once an hour... go look at it.  When it gets the color of brown that you like for's done.
  • If it's been a couple of hours, and it still ain't the color of brown you want, and you're really thirsty...
  • Take it out of the sun and take it inside
  • Put some sugar in it.
  • Pour it in some glasses with ice... and drink it. 
     I put the part about pouring it in glasses because some of ya'll might like to share this delicious beverage with your friends.  If it were up to me, and I didn't think anybody else was going to drink from it... I'd probably just put my head below the little spigot, push the button... and drink it from the jug.
     It's very important that you put the right amount of sugar in it... so be careful with that.  Too much and it's too sweet.  Too little...and people will think your a yankee.
     This tea is probably going to taste alot more mellow than what you are used to from using boiling water. The slow brewing of it brings out a different flavor. Also, because you didn't use boiling water, you should refrigerate the tea and drink it up pretty quickly - a day or two. It won't keep as long because boiling the water does some sort of purifying thing to it...and it keeps longer.
    Some people make sun tea with various forms of herbal tea. I don't, at least not in public. I've heard you can put in a few sprigs of fresh mint in it, but somehow I haven't been able to man up enough to go in to the local herb store and see if they sell 'em.


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