Word Can Not Publish This Post - Solved

Title: Word Can Not publish this Post - Solved
It always happens when I'm in a hurry. I spend my 10 minutes in the morning following/creating various posts to different blogs that I post info to. After spending 10 minutes to create the blog entry in OneNote (I use OneNote because of the link to the online tools) I was ready to right click and "blog this'. When you publish this way, OneNote sends it to Word, and you use the Blog Tab to manage/publish your entries. I like it. It's easy. And it works. ALL of the time…no problems in over three years. But this morning.… something went wrong. I couldn't publish… and I had no time to figure it out.

I Googled for a solution, planning on fixing it pronto.. And moving on. But that wasn't to be. I wound up spending about an hour on it, trying all the solutions I found.. But nothing worked.

There are over 15 blogs in my MS Account Manager, so I didn't REALLY want to do it… but all of the solutions kept leading to 'you have too many categories, blah blah blah' in your blog. Well, needless to say that wasn't the problem.

After thinking about it for a few days, I remembered that I had added a secondary email address to my Google Profile. For some reason I decided I would remove that secondary email address and try again.

Problem solved. So… if you have the message " Word Can not publish this post" and you have a secondary email address on your Google Profile…. Remove it.

Hopefully it will fix your issue too.
Author Contact: Stan Bush Contact Phone: (478) 227-4736 or (478) 227-4SEO
Contact Email : dont-spam-stan@surfinwithstan.com (remove don't-spam- from the address to contact me)
Contact Twitter : stanbush Contact Facebook : http://profile.to/stanbush
Company Name : Sales Training And Networking
Company Twitter: http://twitter.com/surfinwithstan
Company Facebook: http://companies.to/surfinwithstan



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