Coach Krystie - Motivator!

     One of my goals with MiddleGeorgiaSparks is to introduce people who have motivated me, and helped me in some way to reach for my goals. Coach Krystie is one of those people. Just read her story and you'll understand why.
     I first met Krystie at the Georgia Public Television Interview done in 2011.  Both of use are member of SparkPeople and had been invited to tell our story for an upcoming GPTV Special about overcoming health issues.  Krystie was the star.
     Since I met her Krystie has continued on and become one of the coaches at . She holds online classes and has a very large following on all her social site. Here is the Fifty One on Krystie:
  1. Her Personal Site -
  2. Facebook -
  3. SparkPeople Live Mind -  Online Support and Motivational Meetings
  4. Twitter - Coach Krystie
  5. Spark People - Krystie
If you need a motivator... Krystie is one of the best
"The Sparkpeople Cookbook Love Your Food, Lose the Weight"

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