Great Hamburgers - Shoddy Pancakes

     I am in Chris Brogan's Blog Topics Master Class  I'm writing this post responding to a fellow classmate. The class discusses questions concerning titles, content and blog related topics.  Today, Grant Webster from posed this question.
"How do you guys feel about blog post length? I just wrote my longest post ever, 1,200 ish words. It's pretty long, but I also feel like it's valuable. Still going through it to see if I can make it a bit smaller."
     I was writing a response concerning 'who your readers are'.  I thought about what each reader expects from the writer. I thought about a lesson taught over 30 years ago. It was about what your customer expects..

     I was living in Kansas City.  My friend owned an IHOP.  Some readers may remember IHOP in the early 80's.  They were having a tough go of it.  All of them were shutting down. They usually reopened in a few days under a different name.  But IHOP was going under.  All of them.  Except for John's.  He was so busy you could hardly get in his place.  So I asked him one day what he was doing different.  His answer still makes sense today.
It's because my customers know I have great hamburgers and shoddy pancakes.  And they know I serve that everyday.  I don't change it.  If they come in one day and I have great pancakes, they expect that the next time they come in.  If I don't deliver...they don't come back.  All these other guys buy whatever the food vendor has on sale.  I don't.  I buy the same thing every week, regardless of price.  My customers would rather pay an extra dime for a great hamburger everytime, than a different one each visit.  Yep.  Great Hamburgers and Shoddy Pancakes.  That's the key
    So if your readers expect short post, don't disappoint them.  If they expect long post, then deliver on your product.  Just don't confuse them by flip flopping around.  They can get that anywhere.
Sur La Table Hamburger Press (Google Affiliate Ad)

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