Health Application That Works!

        One of the things that I think is important is organization.  Since I'm in IT, that means 'across the platforms".  There is nothing more useless to me than an application that sits in it's own little omnipotent corner of the screen and doesn't play well with others.  
     That being said I want to introduce you to the phone app from You can find them here  .  Here's the Fifty One on what I like about SparkPeople's Suite of applications for diet, exercise and being more healthy in general. 
  1. They have versions for Iphone, Android, IPad and Blackberry. 
  2. The online version at integrates with the phone apps. You enter it in on the phone, and it's entered in on the site.  Enter it at the site, the results are on your phone. 
  3. They have a mobile SITE at for those that don't want to download the app. 
  4. They are easy to understand apps, but there are videos that show you how to do some things.
  5. They work.  (Say that again please)  They work.  At least for me they do.
     We do what we track.  This makes it easy to track your health goals.  If you are looking for a site that can help you achieve your health goals, and a free health organizer... they I'd suggest their suite of applications.   
"The Sparkpeople Cookbook Love Your Food, Lose the Weight"

Thanks for stopping by. The 'Fifty One on this" refers to the methods that I've created to organize my personal and business life. It has increased my personal time and my income. If you would like to find out more about how this works and his services, please contact us Here


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