Video Not Available In Your Country Fix
So you just made friends with somebody cool like Paul Bond . Even though he works for Brix , which is "only" the 4th largest workwear store in Monaghan , he's still got great taste in 'artsy fartsy' stuff. Unfortunately, he's not that bright aware, when he sends out links sometimes. Consequently, he sends out links to really cool stuff that YouTube says 'aren't available in your country'. Well, that's simply not true. It is available, and I have no idea why they even want to make you think it isn't. Connectivity is what all this stuff is about. Or at least that's what I thought when I signed on almost 30 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's not the band that doesn't want you to hear their music, unless of course they are Lars Ulrich . So what do you do? How to get around this? Read on...